Side project ''Paladin''

Making Of / 11 November 2021
Here are a couple of rough screenshots of my latest side project, All base materials have been added so it's time to dig in and get dirty with weathering and details!

As the character develops I will add the accessories including the sword, satchels, straps, etc.


Making Of / 10 December 2019

Diving back into creating environmental assets and approaching the plan to start selling AAA quality asset packs. Here is a group of stone assets that I slapped together to create this formation. Rendered in Unity

New Project!!!

Making Of / 31 July 2018

I have been relaxing a bit after the Wild West Challenge and decided to indulge a bit into making something Ive been wanting to make for a long time now!

Heres a little sneak peak so far, I am currently retopoing and will be doing texturing later this weekend

Lighting in the eyes and soulstone are just from photoshop. I just need to give them more context.